région: Grand Est  
département: 57, Moselle  



de: Saargemünd lt: Sargeminas
ru, sr: Саргемин uk: Сарргемін

2413 Sarreguemines Sarreguemines (in German: Saargemünd) is situated at an elevation of 220 m at the river Sarre (Saar) in the north of the French région Grand Est, directly at the border to Germany and about 77 km northeast of the region's capital, Strasbourg. Sarreguemines is a sous-préfecture (arrondissement Sarreguemines) within the département Moselle and the chef-lieu of the canton of the same name. The municipality has a population of about 23,200 (1999).

The name is derived from the Latin Gemundia, which refers to its location at the confluence of the river Blies into the river Sarre. The earlies document mentioning Gaimundas dates from AD 706. At least since 1577, when the town was for the first time referred to as Sargemünt, the name of the river Saar / Sarre is part of the name. Frome 1679 until 1697 Sarreguemines was French for a first, short period, before it became part of France in 1766 for a long time. After the French German War of 1870/1871 Saargemünd became part of the German Empire, but was returned to France in 1918. The town was occupied by Germany again early during World War II and was formally annexed in 1940. In December 1944 Sarreguemines was liberated by American forces.

The three pictures on glass no. 2413 show:

Neunkircherstraße [top] (today Rue du Maréchal Foch), leading from the old town's Pont des Alliés de Sarreguemines towards the former suburb Neunkirch-lès-Sarreguemines / Neunkirchen (since 1963 part of Sarreguemines).

The old Hospital [bottom left] (Blauberg-Krankenhaus, Hôpital du Parc) was constructed in 1856 as hospice "Maison de Charité Napoléon". Following the opening in 2009 of the new hôpital R. Pax, the old site was abandoned.

The Diana Fountain [bottom right] is located in Place de la République. The cast iron figure depicts the Greek goddess Artemis (Latin: Diana) with a deer. The statue is a replica of the statue Diane de Versailles located in the Musée du Louvre in Paris, which itself is a Roman copy (1st or 2nd century AD) of a lost Greek bronze original attributed to Leochares, ca. 325 BC. The statue is identical with model 10775, plate 224, "Fontaine de Diane à la Biche" in the 1880 catalogue of the fonderie du Val d'Osne. The sculptor was Jean-Jacques Ducel (Marseille 1801–1877), copper and cast iron founder in Paris.

[https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saargem%C3%BCnd; https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neunkirch-l%C3%A8s-Sarreguemines; https://www.hopitaux-sarreguemines.fr/Histoire/2/11; https://statues.vanderkrogt.net/object.php?webpage=ST&record=frlo223]

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