Bundesland: Freistaat Bayern Bavaria
Regierungsbezirk: Oberbayern  
Landkreis: Traunstein  


Waging a. See

alt.: Waging am See
ru: Вагинг-ам-Зе sr: Вагинг на Језеру uk: Вагінг-ам-Зее

4308 Waging a. See Waging am See (officially: Waging a. See) is situated at an elevation of 465 m west of the Waginger See, the wrest lake of Upper Bavaria, about 11 km northeast of the district town Traunstein and about 90 km southeast of Munich. The municipality has a population of about 7,100 (2021).

Uuaginga ist first mentioned in documents of 712/740. Locatedo the so-called lower saline road, which led from Reichenhall to Wasserburg am Inn through Waging, the village was a prosperous place already in medieval ages. Back then Waging belonged to the prince-bishopric of Salzburg. In the 14th century it was granted the right to hold markets. In 1685, Waging became the domicile of a Salzburgian court of law, became Austrian in 1805 for a short time, and belongs to Bavaria since 1810. Since then, Waging developed into a prominent leisure and vacation spot. After the German local government reform in 1972, Waging became part of the Traunstein district. The neighbouring communities of Gaden and Nimharting were incorporated into the municipality in 1970, Otting and Tetenhausen followed in 1972.

The Catholic parish church Sankt Martin [left, no. 4308: background right] probably goes back to an initial church founded in the 8th or 9th century. The oldest parts of the present church, the lower part of the tower and parts of the chancel, were built in late Gothic style in the mid-15th century. That church was rebuilt in 1612 after a fire had damaged the building in the year before. The upper part of the tower was added in 1688/1689, the Baroque roof was created in 1760/1765. The interior was remodeled in Baroque style in 1697–1699. In 1722/23 the old choir was demolished and replaced by a cross-shaped complex with side chapels. In a further conversion phase in 1895/1896 the side chapels were rebuilt into side aisles and the chancels was extended by one yoke.

[https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waging_am_See, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waging_am_See; https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Martin_(Waging_am_See)]

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