Pardubický kraj Pardubice region
Okres: Pardubice  


Lázně Bohdaneč

de: Bad Bochdanetsch lv: Lāzne Bohdaneča lt: Lazne Bohdanečas
ru: Лазне-Богданеч sr: Лазње Бохданеч

208 Lázně Bohdaneč The picturesque town of Lázně Bohdaneč is situated in the Polabian Lowlands near the city of Pardubice.

In the late 15th and early 16th century a systems of ponds and canals was established near Bohdaneč by Vilém of Pernštejn, then owner of the Pardubice estate. Lázně Bohdaneč is a popular spa because of its mud baths that were founded in 1897.

4193 Lázně Bohdaneč
The parish church St. Mary Magdalene [far left, no. 208: background right, and near left, no. 4193: left] was completed in 1737.

The Renaissance town hall [far left, no. 208: background left] was remodelled in the Baroque period.

3418 Lázně Bohdaneč
Glass no. 3418 [left] shows views of the peat and mud spa (Rašelnové a slatinné lázně).

4184 Lázně Bohdaneč 3394 Lázně Bohdaneč The Gočár Pavilion [near left, no. 4184; right, no. 3394, and below left, no. 3923] is a protected architectural monument built in Cubist style. The Pavilion was opened on 1 May 1913 and bears the name of its famous architect, Josef Gočár. The comfortable building was very practical in its time and serves up to the present day. The building is 62 m long and 18 m wide. The ground floor with a covered colonnade is designed to accommodate all the equipment needed for peat-pebble treatment with bathtubs for peat baths, rest areas, waiting rooms and massage rooms. On the first floor there were 28 rooms for patient accommodation. A major change occurred in 1926, when a second floor with another 28 rooms was added to the pavilion, but at the same time the original Cubist architecture was disturbed. The pavilion still serves its original purpose in the spa. The picture on glass no. 3394 [right] is labeled Nová lázeňská budova ('new spa building') and shows the original appearance of the building, while glasses no. 4184 [near left] and no. 3923 [below left] show the building with the second floor added in 1926.

3923 Lázně Bohdaneč

4211 Lázně Bohdaneč 3996 Lázně Bohdaneč
The Jubilee Palace [left, no. 4211, and right, no. 3996] was built in 1928–1930 behind the old spa building, of which only a chimney remained. The two main spa buildings were connected by a glazed collonade in 1940.

4604 Lázně Bohdaneč
The picture on glass no. 4604 [ner left] shows a view of the old music pavillon.

[https://www.turistika.cz/mista/lazne-bohdanec-pavilon-gocar/detail; https://llb.cz/o-laznich/historie-lazni/]

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